Thursday, March 29, 2012

The Radical Life?

What if the radical Christian life we are called to isn't actually that radical at all?  What if all God is wanting is our time?  Simply to spend time reading the Bible and praying.  I think this fear that God is going to call us to sell our homes, give everything to the poor and move to Africa is a smokescreen.  We feel like if that is what God wants, we just can't do it.  We are not that radical and we just kind of walk away from the whole thing.  It feels too extreme.  But Jesus is calling us to FOLLOW him.  It's not about the change or cleaning ourselves up.  Look at Matthew, he simply says follow.  Now Matthew eventually gets radical but that's not how he starts, he starts by following.  We can do and I believe we are called to do the same thing by reading the Bible and spending time in prayer.

I truly believe that is the beginning of change.  Twenty minutes could change our lives, our community and the world.  What if everyone who loves Jesus obeyed and followed?  Maybe as we move closer to Jesus he will ask us to sell everything, give it all to the poor and move to Africa and in that moment, it may not seem so radical.

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